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\newcommand{\biggceil}[1]{\biggl\lceil #1 \biggr\rceil}
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\newcommand{\ket}[1]{| #1 \rangle}
\newcommand{\bra}[1]{\langle #1 |}
\newcommand{\braket}[2]{\langle #1 | #2 \rangle}
\newcommand{\ketbra}[1]{| #1 \rangle\langle #1 |}
\newcommand{\varsuper}[2]{#1^{\scriptscriptstyle (#2)}}
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\newcommand{\sbits}{\{\pm 1\}}
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\DeclareMathOperator{\E}{\mathbb E}
\DeclareMathOperator{\pE}{\tilde{\mathbb E}}
\DeclareMathOperator{\Pr}{\mathbb P}
\DeclareMathOperator{\Stab}{\mathbf Stab}
\newcommand{\iprod}[1]{\langle #1 \rangle}
\newcommand{\pmo}{\ensuremath{\{\pm 1\}}}
\newcommand{\eqdef}{\ensuremath{ =^{def}}}
\newcommand{\generated}[1]{\ensuremath{\langle #1 \rangle}}
\newcommand{\eqdef}{\mathbin{\stackrel{\rm def}{=}}}
\newcommand{\R} % real numbers
\newcommand{\N}} % natural numbers
\newcommand{\Z} % integers
\newcommand{\F} % a field
\newcommand{\Q} % the rationals
\newcommand{\C}{\mathbb{C}} % the complexes
\newcommand{\getsr}{\mathbin{\stackrel{\mbox{\tiny R}}{\gets}}}
\newcommand{\Exp}{\mathop{\mathrm E}\displaylimits} % expectation
\newcommand{\Var}{\mathop{\mathrm Var}\displaylimits} % variance
\newcommand{\coclass}[1]{\mathbf{co\mbox{-}#1}} % and their complements
\newcommand{\ShP}{\class{\# P}}
\newcommand{\PaP}{\class{\oplus P}}
\newcommand{\LinProg}{\textprob{Linear Programming}}
\newcommand{\CircVal}{\textprob{Circuit Value}}
\newcommand{\CircSat}{\textprob{Circuit Satisfiability}}
\newcommand{\CycleCovers}{\textprob{Cycle Covers}}
\newcommand{\MonCircVal}{\textprob{Monotone Circuit Value}}
\newcommand{\BddHalt}{\textprob{Bounded Halting}}
\newcommand{\DiscreteLog}{\textprob{Discrete Log}}
\newcommand{\IdentityTest}{\textprob{Identity Testing}}
\newcommand{\CountIndSets}{\textprob{\#Independent Sets}}
\newcommand{\CountPerfMatchings}{\textprob{\#Perfect Matchings}}
\newcommand{\HamCycle}{\textprob{Hamiltonian Cycle}}
\newcommand{\ModPermanent}{\textprob{Modular Permanent}}
\newcommand{\GraphNoniso}{\textprob{Graph Nonisomorphism}}
\newcommand{\GraphIso}{\textprob{Graph Isomorphism}}
\newcommand{\QuantBoolForm}{\textprob{Quantified Boolean
\newcommand{\GenGeography}{\textprob{Generalized Geography}}
The Glass Bead Game
14 May 2021
(See here for an English version)
而這本我讀完的第一本英文小說,Hermann Hesse的《玻璃珠遊戲》(英譯:The Glass Bead Game;德文原名:Das Glasperlenspiel),其實原本是用德文寫的。如果我有生之年學了德文,可能又要再花個幾年才能把原文的版本讀完了…不過話說回來,在分享我的感想之前,還是得說讀英文小說(可惜這次我讀的小說原文是德文不是英文…)的體驗和讀中文小說蠻不一樣的。一方面是語言文法句型結構的不同塑造了不一樣的氛圍,一方面則是字的選擇(雖然我的單字量非常少,不過我遇到感興趣但是不懂的字都會去查一下)更是增加了另一個維度上的豐富性。舉個比較生活化的例子,把一本用英文寫的小說翻成了中文,就像是把一首鋼琴奏鳴曲編成了小提琴版本。的確小提琴還是可以把曲子演奏的很動聽,不過有一些作曲家想表達的細微想法可能要在鋼琴的演奏才感受的出來。
前言 - 科學研究的啟蒙與一些近期的體悟省思
然而身為一個電腦科學本科的學生,所謂的“研究”似乎又和想像中的很不一樣。身邊的同學有的成天在煩惱如何讓機器人踢足球,有的埋首於大型程式專案的開發,有的則是一天到晚在等機器學習的訓練結果跑完。對於熱愛抽象思考的我來說,這些怎麼看都跟我感興趣的知識扯不太上什麼關係,唯一一次讓我感到興奮的是在一個軟體工程的專題中,老師推薦我學習一些「設計模式(Design Pattern)」的概念然後應用到一個大型程式裡面。我十分著迷於設計模式裡面各種優雅的物件導向概念,但同時這些漂亮的抽象概念似乎又不是研究中的主角。
後來順利的申請博士班來到了Harvard,滿懷雄心壯志的想要繼續吸收各種知識,同時也期許自己在研究上可以做出新的貢獻。卻在時間一年一年過去後,才慢慢發現當初吸引我的那些知識和學習的純粹之美,竟然不完全是最前端科學研究的首要目的,甚至會被一些領域裡面汲汲營營於發表論文的人所不齒。我漸漸開始理解當年在科學哲學課上學到Thomas Kuhn對常態科學(Normal science)的批判,而近期看完的《玻璃珠遊戲》更是重重敲醒我的最後一根稻草,讓我又開始不斷的思考最根本的問題:科學研究是什麼?是為了什麼?
《玻璃珠遊戲》The Glass Bead Game
讀完《玻璃珠遊戲》後,那種思想上和精神上的震撼,絕對不亞於在大學時第一次接觸現代數學時的衝擊。醞釀了許久之後,遲遲找不到一個下筆的起點,因此我決定在不劇透的情況下,藉由引用書中的一些句子,來分享這本書帶給我的啟發。裡面的句子和頁數是來自於Richard Winston在1969的英譯版本,中文翻譯則是我的詮釋。
There is truth, my boy. But the doctrine you desire, absolute, perfect, dogma that alone provides wisdom, does not exist. Nor should you long for perfect doctrine, my friend. Rather, you should long for the perfection of yourself. The deity is within you, not in ideas and books. Truth is lived, not taught. Be prepared for conflicts, Joseph Knecht, I can see they have already begun.
真理是存在的,我的孩子。不過你渴望的那種純粹、完美並且提供智慧的學說是不存在的。你甚至不應該期盼有個完美的學說,我的朋友。你應該追尋自我的完美,畢竟道理是存在你心中而不是在思想和書本裡的,就如同真理是被實踐而非教導的。Joseph Knecht,準備好面對衝突、矛盾與困惑吧,我可以看到一切已經開始了。
Page 83.
At that time I was ambitious to work out a history of the sonata from a new point of view; but then for a while I stopped making any progress at all. I began more and more to doubt whether all these musical and historical researches had any value whatsoever, whether they were really any more aesthetic substitute for living a real life. In short, I had to pass through one of those crises in which all studies, all intellectual efforts, everything that we mean by the life of the mind, appear dubious and devalued and in which we tend to envy every peasant at the plow and every pair of lovers at evening, or every bird singing in a tree and every cicada chirping in the summer grass, because they seem to us to be living such natural, fulfilled, and happy lives. We know nothing of their troubles of course, of the elements of harshness, danger, and suffering in their lot. In brief, I had pretty well lost my equilibrium. It was far from a pleasant state; in fact it was very hard to bear.
Page 101.
What was important to him were his studies, all of which now centered around the Game. Another preoccupation was, perhaps, that one question of whether the Game really was the supreme achievement of Castalia and worth devoting one's life to. For even as he was familiarizing himself with the ever more recondite mysteries of the Game's laws and potentialities, even as he became more and more at home in the labyrinths of the Archives and complex inner world of the Games' symbolism, his doubts had by no means been silenced. He had already learned by experience that faith and doubt belong together, that they govern each other like inhaling and exhaling, and that his very advances in all aspects of the Game's mirocosm naturally sharpened his eyes to all the dubiousness of the Game.
Page 134.
不只是價值,意義也可能會改變的,就像這段文字中主角內心深處對所學之物的質疑。我覺得最精彩的地方,就是作者刻畫了主角因為對玻璃珠遊戲更深刻且更尖端的理解,反而產生了更多的懷疑。這可以說是一種智識上誠實(intellectual honesty)究極的展現,更是敲醒了我心中一直沈睡的不安。對於我自己的領域,一直以來我都十分的享受學習還有做研究的過程,然而這一兩年來接觸越來越多其他的領域之後,心中開始浮現一股難以言喻的擔憂(也許在這篇之前的文章中就開始醞釀了)。當然,領域本身沒有什麼太大的改變,對於其他人的意義來說應該也沒什麼變化,但是因為我的成長和見識上的開拓,我開始需要好好重新思索所學之物對我的意義是什麼了。
And we go even further into the realms of pure mind, or if you prefer, pure abstraction: in our Glass Bead Game we analyze those products of the sages and artists into their components, we derive rules of style and patterns of form from them, and we operate with these abstractions as though they were building blocks. Of course all this is very fine; no one will contend otherwise. But not everyone can spend his entire life breathing, eating, and drinking nothing but abstractions. History has one great strength over the things a Waldzell tutor feels to be worthy of his interest: it deals with reality. Abstractions are fine, but I think people also have to breathe air and eat bread.
Page 279.
關於這段話,我覺得挺有意思但是一直沒有想得很明白的是:為什麼作者選擇了將玻璃珠遊戲和歷史學做比較?尤其是”it deals the reality”想表達的是什麼意思呢?對於現在以及未來,歷史發生在過去,於是就像抽象的世界一樣不再是真實地存在於當下。歷史學研究的是過去的人物與事件,如果有現實價值的話,大概也就是所謂的見古知今了,在這方面的確又和純粹抽象的學科十分相似。但是和純粹抽象最大的不同就是,歷史至少曾經是真實過的,而抽象的學科例如數學和哲學雖然有很多實際的應用,但本質上是存在於純粹的烏托邦。
其實在書中作者並沒有明確地提及”烏托邦”,不過我刻意在這邊稱呼純粹抽象的世界(諸如書中的玻璃珠遊戲,或是數學和哲學等等)為烏托邦,是因為在這樣抽象的世界中,我們基本上都只思考著完美理想的層面,換句話說更像是一種對現實的逃避。有時候我們甚至會過於著迷於之中的美妙而忽略了現實,甚至鄙視現實的醜陋。然而reality is real,我們不該忘記我們終究是活在這個世界上。不過也許幾十年後,科技進展到可以實現『上載新生』裡面的設定,那麼也許抽象將成為新的真實?
These fine teachers out there are, strictly speaking, the only ones among us who are really carrying out the purpose of Castalia. Through their work alone we are repaying the nation for the many benefits we receive from it. Granted that every one of us brothers of the Order knows that our supreme and most sacred task consists in preserving the intellectual foundation of our country and our world. That foundation has proved to be a moral element of the highest efficacy, for it is nothing less than the sense of truth - on which justice is based, as well as so much else. But if we examine our real feelings, most of us would have to admit that we don't regard the welfare of the outside as well as inside our tidy Province, as the chief thing. In fact, it is not at all important to us. We are only too glad to leave it to those brave teachers out there to pay our debt to the world by their self-sacrificing work, and so more or less justify the privileges we enjoy, we Glass Bead Game players, astronomers, musicians, and mathematicians. It is part of the above-mentioned arrogance and caste spirit that we do not much care whether we earn our privileges by accomplishments. Even though our abstemious way of life is prescribed by the Order, a good many of us plume ourselves on it, as if it were a virtue we were practicing purely for its own sake instead of its being the least that we owe to the country that makes our Castalian existence possible.
Page 350.
I never thought of those awakenings as manifestations of a god or daimon or of some absolute truth. What gives these experiences their weight and persuasiveness is not their truth, their sublime origin, their divinity, or anything of the sort, but their reality. They are tremendously real, somewhat the way a violent physical pain or a surprising natural event, a storm or earthquake, seem to us charged with an entirely different sort of reality, presence, inexorability, from ordinary times and conditions. The gust of wind that precedes a thunderstorm, sending us into the house and almost wrenching the front door away from our hand - or a bad toothache which seems to concentrate all the tensions, sufferings, and conflicts of the world in our jaw - these are such realities. Later on we may start to question them or examine their significance, if that is our bent; but at the moment they happen they admit no doubts and are brimful of reality. My 'awakening' has a similar kind of intensified reality for me. That is why I have given it this name; at such times I really feel as if I had lain asleep or half asleep for a long time, but am now awake and clearheaded and receptive in a way I never am ordinarily.
Page 395.
無盡的黑夜 風輕拂著
刺眼的白晝 萬物蒸騰
(感謝Brabeeba Wang和Wei-Chung Lee對於文章的許多好建議!)